Cybersecurity, Cloud Engineering, and AI blog

New Robodog “Neo” Jams IoT’s, Internet

There is a new addition to local law enforcement – Robot dog called Neo and it has been developed by a company named Ghost Robotics for the U. S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). NEO scrambles Internet of Things (IoT) communications by flooding the home networks and denying the threats from using smart devices against the police. One of those IoTs could be a smartphone, for example. This innovation came after an armed suspect had used a doorbell camera to lure the FBI agents with a lethal attack. The robot dog’s intended purpose is to improve the outcome of raids to destroy smart home devices and internet capabilities while at the same time, monitor and relay information from the scene back to HQ.

In addition to the primary function of jamming the wireless or wired signals, the NEO robot dog is installed with sensors and cameras that enable it to monitor and gather intelligence information during raids. This capability improves the officers’ orientation of their environment and any dangers that may exist, through immediate feedback. NEO also embodies strong mobility elements that would allow it to move conveniently in all the terrains and any other barriers present within the urban and suburban areas.

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